Friday, September 24, 2010

One reason Utah isn't that bad

Autumn has finally begun.
Fall in Arizona is perfect but I do love the beautiful changing leaves in Utah. I'm actually getting excited to pull out my boots, jackets, and sweaters. Too bad I won't have anyone to cuddle up with, but this will just make next fall that much better!!

Sunday drive up Provo Canyon

Monday, September 20, 2010

i thank You God for most this amazing

Matthew always knows how to brighten the gloomiest day.

Today I got these
beautiful flowers in the mail.
In the card he said
he had been thinking about me
and he loved me :)

I am so grateful for a loving future husband
who always knows how to make things better.
Mmmm I love him more then anything
and I cant wait for him to come home to me.

I love the look of my name with his!

Thursday, September 16, 2010



Matt left today.

And I already miss him.

Only 396 more days.