Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finding Joy

Picture from here

So I felt like this past Sunday's sacrament meeting was just for me (Do you ever feel that way?) This RM gave the most wonderful talk about agency and I really love the way that he presented it. But the one thing that he kept repeating over and over that really touched my heart was "you can choose to be sad, but you can also choose to be happy." I know that seems really simple but at the beginning of this next year without Matt it's exactly what Heavenly Father knew I needed to hear... I can choose to be happy! So even though it will be hard, I will find joy in this journey and using the wonderful gift of agency I will choose to do everything in my power to be happy. I'm so grateful for this gospel and I know that even when it's just one simple phrase in a talk, that God will answer our prayers. He knows me and my struggles and I know that he can help me get through this so I can married in the temple of all eternity :)

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